To talk to someone who understands FASD call 1-866-601 FASD (3273)


Informing. Supporting. Connecting.

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is a series of physical, cognitive, and developmental conditions that have resulted from prenatal exposure to alcohol. About 4% of Canadians are believed to have FASD.

At ConnectFASD we envision an empowered community that supports healthy pregnancy through trauma informed care, and embraces those impacted by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder through their whole life.

Persons with FASD have both unique strengths and unique challenges. It is our mission to make life better for anyone impacted by FASD.

At ConnectFASD we do this by promoting knowledge and understanding.

We aim to be part of creating a safe community of supports and services that are FASD informed.

We do this through our Helpline, Chat, and Web-based information platform, promoting knowledge and understanding for a safe community of supports and services to individuals, families, community members and professionals.

For more information about FASD, see all of our fact sheets here.

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is a series of physical, cognitive, and developmental conditions that have resulted from prenatal exposure to alcohol. About 4% of Canadians are believed to have FASD.

At ConnectFASD we envision an empowered community that supports healthy pregnancy through trauma informed care, and embraces those impacted by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder through their whole life.

Persons with FASD have both unique strengths and unique challenges. It is our mission to make life better for anyone impacted by FASD.

At ConnectFASD we do this by promoting knowledge and understanding.


We aim to be part of creating a safe community of supports and services that are FASD informed.

We do this through our Helpline, Chat, and Web-based information platform, promoting knowledge and understanding for a safe community of supports and services to individuals, families, community members and professionals.

For more information about FASD, see all of our fact sheets here.

ConnectFASD would like to thank our funders, donors, sponsors for their support.

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