To talk to someone who understands FASD call 1-866-601 FASD (3273)

About Us

Connect FASD is a full spectrum of support programs and services, helpline and information sharing hub available to all members of the public through a partnership between the Calgary Fetal Alcohol Network, and the Foothills Fetal Alcohol Society.

This project, released in September of 2021, resulted from both agencies’ desire to combine their strengths in service delivery, information delivery, support services, and networking to meet a need in the greater Calgary urban and rural areas.

Our support program was built on a desire to create programs to:

These identified needs inspired a partnership to bring together CFAN and FFAS with a new approach, building on the unified desire to support our communities and our network.

The result of our efforts has cumulated to the creation of ConnectFASD, to serve as a one-stop hub to meet the needs of individuals, professionals, and communities to be FASD informed.

We exist to make life better for anyone impacted by FASD.

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