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Are you looking for Information about Alcohol and Pregnancy?

Are you looking for Information about Alcohol and Pregnancy?

If you or your partner are pregnant, or thinking about becoming pregnant, we believe you have the right to accurate information and support.

At ConnectFASD we have a core belief that a healthy pregnancy is dependent on a supportive community. It is essential to feel safe and to have reliable information to have the best outcomes for yourself, your partner, and your child.

Alcoholic drinks such as wine, beer, or spirits are considered teratogens. This means a substance that can harm a developing fetus in various physical, cognitive, and developmental ways.

There has been a great deal of research to determine what a safe alcohol level is, and experts agree that the safest amount is no amount. While this is widely agreed upon, at ConnectFASD we understand the complexity of trying to avoid alcohol in an environment where it may be commonplace.

Avoidance may be in conflict with some beliefs that normalize alcohol use. At ConnectFASD we aim to give you the most accurate information from leading research. We understand that navigating hazards in pregnancy is a very personal journey.

If you want to talk about your pregnancy, or your partner’s, we are here to support you to feel informed and empowered.

For more information about alcohol and pregnancy, see our fact sheet here.

All of our fact sheets can be found here.
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