To talk to someone who understands FASD call 1-866-601 FASD (3273)

Program and Services

Connect FASD is a full spectrum of support programs and services, helpline and information sharing hub available to all members of the public through a partnership between the Calgary Fetal Alcohol Network, and the Foothills Fetal Alcohol Society.

For an overview of our programs and
services, download our brochure.

Coordinated Access Response and Empowerment – C.A.R.E Connect

A lifespan approach to services for the unique needs of all individuals impacted by FASD, and their families,
caregivers, and communities.

Clients of CARE Connect will have C.A.R.E teams comprised of:

Substance Use and Disability Supports – S.U.D.S Specialists

For individuals who identify a need to have services that will assist them with their substance use.

Rural integrated Response Services – Foothills Fetal alcohol society

Access to supports in rural settings can have unique challenges and opportunities.

The FFAS Integrated Response team offers:

To talk about any of our programs and services, call
1-866-601-FASD or chat with us on this site.

We exist to make life better for anyone impacted by FASD.

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